Just to tell you that viewers in the UK with a Sky Digital system using the interactive function on Sky News (channel 501) have just had the chance to watch the UK premiere of AOTC live, with interviews with George Lucas and all the stars. Anthony Daniels revealed this would be the third time he had watched the film in as many days he enjoys it that much, Christopher Lee said this is the first time he has seen the film or indeed any bits with him in it, and George Lucas said it was brilliant to be spending his birthday in London at the premiere.
You can also catch snippets from the premiere on BBC News 24. Samuel L Jackson said he avoided going to Celebration 2 to avoid the more obsessive fans. Anthony Daniels was very enthusiastic about the fans who were at the premiere saying that they had paid his salary for the last 25 years. And Christopher Lee said it was the best premiere he had been to.
Lisa also tells us that Christopher Lee will be doing a signing in London's Cinema Store tomorrow.