Ananova reports that AOTC has been given a PG rating in the UK. This is a higher rating than the other Star Wars films which all received U ratings. Thanks to Mandalorian & Raj for the alerts.
Update: British fans will be dissappointed to hear that the UK version of AOTC has been cut to fall into the PG category. Just last week, Lewis sent us this a note after watching the 2nd Jango Fett TV spot:
After downloading the new Jango Fett TV spot, I have started to get worried. I live in the UK and I am very familiar with the BBFC regulations on film ratings. All previous Star Wars films have recieved "U" certificates, which is similar to the MPAA rating "G". The TV spot, however, features Jango head butting Obi Wan Kenobi. Just last year, 'The Mummy Returns' was cut to get a "12" certificate rather the higher "15" certificate because of a head butt. What I'm trying to say is the BBFC will not allow a head butt in anything less than a "15" and Attack of the Clones will be cut.
Turns out he was partially right. Here are the notes from the BBFC Website:
Star Wars - Episode II - Attack Of The Clones Feature Film - Run Time 142m 5s Classified 07 May, 2002
Theme or content - Contains sci-fi action, violence and peril
When submitted to the BBFC the work had a running time of 142m 6s. The running time of this film was calculated from the measured length of 12787+12 ( feet + frames ).
To obtain this category cuts of 0m 1s were required. The cuts were Cuts for Category. Company chose to cut sight of a head butt to achieve a "PG". A "12" uncut was available to the distributor.
If British fans want to check out what they won't be seeing from May 16th, you can download the 2nd Jango Fett TV spot by clicking here here (the head butt is 19 seconds in). Those who are trying to remain spoiler free should watch the trailer after May16th. Thanks to LeeD for the BBFC link.