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TFN Views Attack of the Clones, Review I

Posted By Thomas on May 8, 2002

(Beware of possible spoilers)
I (Carter) had the opportunity to see Episode II in a press screening earlier today. I hadn't read any prior reviews so I could develop my own opinions of the film. That being said, here is my chock full of spoilers review.

Three long years of intense scrutiny and nervous anticipation of the latest chapter in the Star Wars saga were condensed into roughly 2 hours and 20 minutes of celluloid film projected onto a movie screen, and I can say with great pleasure that Episode II, Attack of the Clones delivers in a huge way.

The most breathtaking aspect of Episode II were the cinematic vistas and interplanetary cityscapes in Attack of the Clones. ILM has taken the Star Wars universe into the next stratosphere taking you into world's unknown. From Coruscant to the mystical environment within Tipoca City on Kamino, you will not leave the theater without having traveled to that galaxy far far away.

Coruscant is fully expanded as you travel through the inner depths of the city in the dizzying bounty hunter chase. There's much more depth and atmosphere to the city. Coruscant isn't as clean and sterile like we remember it from The Phantom Menace. The movie takes you into some of the dingier, more factory-like settings of cities, reminiscent of the industrial revolution

Tatooine was more of a footnote in Episode II. It resolves what happens to Shmi's character and serves as the setting for an important character transformation point to Anakin's rage as the future Darth Vader. Watto has a short appearance in the film, as do Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru and Cliegg Lars. Anakin's annihilation of the Tusken Raiders starts with the decapitation of three Tuskens and it's extrapolated poetically that he takes out the whole camp which, he also admits to Padme upon his return from the Tusken camp.

While the ocean planet of Kamino is overtaken by the weathered sleeting of winds and rain, the interiors within Tipoca City provide an opposing calm that's very spiritual and mystical. The Kaminoans are very graceful in their movements and speech. There's an angelic, dreamlike quality to their environment that evokes a highly evolved alien species.

Naboo serves as the backdrop to Anakin's and Padme's romantic interludes as they escape to a retreat and develop their feelings for one another. There are a few scenes here as well as dialogue that I'd just as soon forget.

The final arena and the Clonetroopers vs Trade Federation battle on Geonosis is like nothing you've ever seen in a Star Wars battle. You will be blown away by the intensity, the insanity, and the sheer scope of the battle that takes place. Lasers flying everywhere, attack gunships flying about, Clones firing madly away at battle droids and super battledroids. The Clonetroopers are much fiercer and efficient than the stormtroopers who were cannon fodder in the OT.

The acting and dialogue was markedly improved from Episode I, but I have to admit there are times where it suffers a few of the same problems as Episode I. Some of lines were simply spoken and fell flat. The more seasoned actors drew from their acting experience and delivered their perfomances very well.

Jango Fett was my favorite character in EP II, and much like Darth Maul in EP I, his character could've been expanded and given additional screen time. Temuera Morrison is very convincing as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. His battle with ObiWan on the Kamino platform will knock your socks off and it's something that I'd wished extended. Slave I's furious pursuit of ObiWan in the Jedi Starfighter through the asteroid field is intense and leaves you hanging for more. It's unfortunate what becomes of Jango Fett's character and his exit from Episode II comes about too quickly.

I was most impressed with the evolution of ObiWan Kenobi. ObiWan grew exceptionally well into the role of a Jedi Knight from his padawan beginnings in TPM. Ewan is much more experienced as an actor and he gives a strong performance as ObiWan. He's still very intense and focused as a Jedi Knight, but not as reckless. You can see glimpses of his character developing into the austere Ben Kenobi that we come to admire and respect in Episode IV.

Hayden Christensen gives a fine performance as Anakin Skywalker. You see many glimpses of his youth as the gifted but inexperienced Jedi padawan. He should grow into his role well for Episode III. Anakin and ObiWan work well off of each other's characters. Anakin has a fondness for his Jedi teacher but feels limited by the restraints ObiWan puts upon him.

Natalie is stunning as Padme Amidala. Her character is much more compassionate and her beauty is the focus of her character role as the damsel in distress, under the protection of her Jedi Knight.

Mace Windu scenes are greatly expanded as well. He is more integral to the happenings of the republic as well. And of course, we get to see him brandishing his purple electrum lightsaber.

Both Ian McDiarmid and Christopher Lee are terrific in AOTC. We see Palpatine as the villainous Emperor he becomes and less so as his alter ego Darth Sidious. Ian McDiarmid is terrific once again reprising the role of Palpatine. Christopher Lee also does a remarkable job as Count Dooku. He has great screen presence and portrays the disillusioned Jedi with piercing efficiency.

The cutest scene ever in a Star Wars movie has to be Yoda instructing the Jedi younglings. With their blaster helmets down and their lightsabers drawn, they accurately deflect bolts from the training droid. When ObiWan appears asking about the mysterious Kamino system, Yoda innocently teases him in front of the younglings which drew a few chuckles from the audience.

There's only 1 word to describe the final duel between Yoda and Count Dooku, phenomenal. You'd never think a 2 foot high Jedi Master could battle someone 3 times his size but you'll be astounded at his abilities. Steve Sansweet was right when he mentioned last summer, "you'll see why they call Yoda, the Jedi Master." The final lightsaber duel was a great punctuation mark to the action sequences toward the end of the movie

I've read very little dialogue prior to the screening so I wasn't spoiled in terms of screenplay but I've seen every photo and footage of Episode II that was available in the media or online and it is with regret that I did. Those who know the least about Episode II will have the best viewing experience.

I clearly recognized cameo appearances of Anthony Daniels, Ahmed Best, Lucas's kids Katie and Jhett, and if I'm not mistaken, R2 operator Don Bies. I couldn't recognize anyone from N'Sync in the final Arena battle but that will take additional viewings or still photographs for clarification. Other odds and ends, there is no pod-racing in EP2, QuiGon Jinn does not make a hologram appearance but you do hear his voice. C3PO appears to be cgi during a certain part of the film.

AOTC leaves you hanging somewhat as the cliffhanger episode in the prequel trilogy, but there's more resolution to the film unlike ESB.

Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and found it thoroughly entertaining. I'll definitely see it at the midnight showing come May 16th and I'm sure it will be an experience that's out of this world. I give Episode II, Attack of the Clones, a 9 out of 10.

You can check out all of TFN's AOTC Reviews below (may contain spoilers):

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