"Spider-Man is now the film to beat ..." Posted By Thomas on May 7, 2002
Spiderman has done phenomenal box office numbers this opening weekend but industry observers are sizing up whether Spiderman can hold its ground once Episode II hits theaters on May 16th. From showbizdata.com:
In a situation reminiscent of a scene in Spider-Man in which the young superhero, wearing pajamas, challenges a ferocious veteran wrestler for the first time, writers are sizing up the odds of Spider-Man being able to withstand the challenge of Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones when it debuts on May 16. In an interview with the Associated Press, Exhibitor Relations chief Paul Dergarabedian remarked, "Spider-Man is now the film to beat for highest-grossing film of 2002." Online ticket sellers Moviefone and Fandango began taking orders for tickets for the Lucas movie on Monday, but each declined to discuss the number of tickets that had atually been sold. Today's (Tuesday) New York Times indicated that George Lucas, who is determined to have Episode II shown only in theaters with advanced projection equipment, may prevent it from opening on as many screens as Spider-Man occupied last weekend.