Scottish Mirror Covers Glasgow Odeon Fiasco Posted By Britany on May 17, 2002
The fiasco that occured at one of the Odeon Glasgow midnight screenings on Wednesday, has made it onto the cover of the Scottish edition of the Daily Mirror (click here to see a report of by two fans who attended). Here's an excerpt from the article:
Hundreds of fans, dressed up as Darth Vaders, Jedi Knights and Stormtroopers, were left seeting when a cinema blunder caused them to miss half of the action. The furious Star Wars' fans caused such a disturbance police were called to calm them down.
They had seen only an hour of the epic when the film jumped to the end portion of the movie. People also said there were problems with the colour, focus and overall quality of the parts they did see.
The cinema-goers were angered and confused by what was happening and many began to leave the film and gathered in the foyer where they demanded it be reshown in the correct sequence.
You can check out scans and read the rest of the article by clicking on the links below. Thanks to Dave for the scans.
Update: BBC Radio Five Live spoke to student Tony Crampshee live on air (at approx 6.30pm), about the problems at the cinema. Tony was one of the fans who alerted us to the cinema's blunder on Wednesday night.