In case you can't download the video or you just want stills for some graphics, here are some screencaptures we've done of the highlights of the latest Episode II video:
Obi-Wan kicks Jango Fett Obi-Wan strikes karate pose Jango Fett with blasters drawn in arena Mace Windu smokin' Lightsaber practice for The Empire Strikes Back More Lightsaber practice for The Empire Strikes Back Nick Gillard practices with Anakin, Adi Gallia and Bultar Swan in background Anakin in crowd, rainbow headed Rodians in background Ahmed Best with Lucas' daughter and Ayy Vida Hayden Christensen poses rapper style, Zam Wesell looks on Ewan McGregor accidentally splashes George Lucas, hilarity ensues Obi-Wan on Kamino platform Nikto Jedi in action Nikto Jedi unmasked, Clone Trooper in background Mace Windu on Geonasis balcony Mace Windu cornered with Padme and Jedi Jedi with two lightsabers, Eeth Koth and Sasee Tiin in background Samuel L. Jackson chats with Yoda Mace uses the Force to calm the savage Reek