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Mixing Up the Credits

Posted By Joshua on May 18, 2002

HookLineAndSinker wrote a summary of unusual omissions from the Episode II credits listing, and what appears to be mixups between who played who. Read on for details of the controversy:


For 3 years the spoiler and non-spoiler communities have taken official spoilers as confirmation of scenes or characters. But what happened in the end product? Is it wise to trust the official Site or Mags the way we used to? Are the official credits on the film even trustworthy?

Let's start off with the basics. Up until AOTC premiered, the official site had Graeme Blundell(Ruwee Naberrie), Trisha Noble(Jobal Naberrie), Claudia Karavan(Sola Naberrie), Kiera Wingate (Ryoo Naberrie), and Hayley Mooy (Pooja Naberrie) to be in the film. Now is that misleading to the non-spoiled if they haven't been in the film for a few months now? Or even to partially spoiled fans expecting to see the actors who played those characters? How about the other way around. Adi Gallia and Depa Billaba. Not until last Thursday did the official site acknowledge their presence in the film. Is the official site not recieving information in time? On a side note. Phoebe Yiamkiati (Mari Amithest) was listed as being in the film in the final credits. But if you saw her you have some sharp eyes.

How about actors like Matt Rowan and Susie Porter? The official site had them built as if they'd have a line or two. Now Rowans (Orn Free Taa) characters scene with dialogue was cut. Is it right to lead people to believe up until the film debuts that his character might have a part in the film but was actually reduced to an extra? Susie Porter has made it to a few official site videos commenting on the film. Why give an extra that much speaking time when her character was "Blinkandyou Missher." In fact in earlier script drafts, Hermione Bagwa had the Waitress Droids lines. Why hire an actress and then give her lines to a cgi character? The only solution is that she's the voice of the Waitress Droid. But the fact remains that Hermione Bagwa is not a waitress droid. Misleading info.

Now how about the official movie credits? What happened there? Besides the fact that John Williams credit score was butchered. (For those who don't know they cut the Anakin theme and imperial March tune at the end of it from the soundtrack). But what happened with the crediting? The movie credits say Khan Bonfils returned to reprise his role as Saesee Tiin. But the official site and mags for the last two years have said that Jesse Jensen plays him now. The truth is Jesse Jensen played him in the arena sequences. The council room scene had a digitaly inserted Saesee Tiin from Episode 1. But is it right to credit Khan Bonfils as playing him if Jesse Jensen did the actual work? Oppo Rancisis also. Only instead of digitally inserting Oppo from Episode 1, they computer animated him. So how in the blue blazes can they credit Jerome Blake as Oppo when it has no lines and is CGI?

As many have noticed there are names missing from the credits who should be there. Sandi Finlay (Sly Moore), Mary Oyaya (Luminara Unduli), Nalini Krishan (Barriss Offee), Marton Csokas (Poggle the Lesser), Orli Shoshan (Shaak Ti), Amy Allen (Aayla Secura), and Christopher Truswell (Multiple character voices). All of their characters made it to the film. Truswell and Csokas even had lines. But where were they in the credits? They were listed as being in the film and credited as their characters on the official as of May 15th. But now they're gone. Why exclude them?

But the largest credit tragedy is this. Alan Ruscoe playing Lott Dod. They're saying that the character next to Nute Gunray in AOTC was Lott Dod and was played by Alan Ruscoe. When in actuality the guy under the mask was David Healey. The guy doing the voice was Christopher Truswell. And the characters name was Gilramos Libkath. The only common characteristics Lott and Gilramos have is that they're Neimoidian. Nothing else. The voice is completely different. Why couldn't they credit that correctly? The irony here is the script says it's Rune Haako.

What has happened to the crediting system? Is it truly that difficult to credit actors with the roles they played? I do not believe so. Perhaps we shouldn't put as much faith as we once had in the official site to give us correct info. To see a character such as the "Over-indulgent Politician" fall to a background character makes me sad. But the fact that the "Planetary Leader" who had a voice in the film, not even being credited makes me wonder why there are credits to begin with.

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