Mari tells us about a midnight screening in Finland (spoilers have been whited out):
The images from the movie are still flashing front of me. I went to see the film on the midnight screening and, boy, was it G-R-E-A-T (what else :)?) There were a few who had a SW dress on. When the familiar 20th century and lucasfilm fanfar (?) and logos came the audience applauded and then when the Episode 2 text (in finnish, buhuu...) came someone enflamed his lightsaber (laughter). Then just silence when it started...
We laughed to the jokes (a lot of good ones) and applauded when (highlight to read) Yoda came to fight Dooku. It was kinda funny but super cool. Th chemistry between the characters worked and the acting was great. Special effects and CGI worked very well but weren?t the main thing. The story was what mattered and Lucas had let his imagination go like in epi 4-6. To me Star Wars IS back!! (Have to say I did like TPM, but I?m glad that AOTC is so much better).