Empire Online interviewed Ewan McGregor. He talked about Jar Jar's "diplodialect" which, oddly enough, was cut from the film. He also talked about Episode III:
Do you feel that any of the criticism of The Phantom Menace is reflected in this film?
There was one very obvious reflection, I think, and a very pointed response to some of the talk after Phantom Menace, was that Jar-Jar Binks is talking in a very upper-class accent. And I felt that that was a direct reply to some of the criticisms of the first. So [George] has got Jar-Jar Binks talking in something called Diplodialect which is 'Is spoaken like thaat' and he says 'Now I haave to speak like this because the Senate didn't like the way I spoke.' It's quite pointed, I think. But George is quite clever at doing that. There's a huge amount of comment on the world and the way it's going reflected in the films. But at the same time, it is George's comment on stuff, I suppose. There are great lines. I had a couple of crackers: "Remember she's a politician and they're not to be trusted." And stuff about how it's my experience that politicians will make rules only about who's giving them the most money. It's all actually direct comment on what's happening in our politics.
Has George told you anything about what to expect in Episode III?
No, not really. I know that it'll end in a big fight between me and Hayden which will be fantastic, because Hayden also put a lot of work in the fighting stuff and is very good at it. So there'll be a big kick-off fight, I can imagine, when Hayden becomes Darth Vader. In terms of what leads us up to that, I don't really know. I was always hoping that it would be some kind of love triangle, fighting over Natalie, but I don't know if that's the case, because Obi-Wan doesn't have a look-in in Episode II.
Is there anything else you'd like to know?
What happens to the Siths? Because there are no Siths in the first three are there? Well, there's the Emperor and there's Darth Vader and that's it. Because there are always two, apparently. I don't know what happens at the end of Three.
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