Viktor drops us a line about a midnight screening in Prague:
I just came back home from the midnight premiere here in Prague. There were two multiplex and in each of them one screen in czech and one with subtitles. I was, of course, in the one with the subtitles, in czech it is not translated as good as I would want and in every way I prefer the original language. It was full, and no air conditioning (switched off), so it was hot too. People were screaming and applauding when the starwars logo appered and when (highlight to read) Yoda came to the hangar. When he fight and also when Anakin meets his mother, it was absolutely quiet, silence... the reaction of the people was definitely positive.There were no costumes, for here in Czech there are no places to buy them, I only saw a few T-shirts with the phantom menace motifs, that is. I have tickets for friday, sunday and thursday so I can?t wait.
janchor adds:
Hordes of fans, many in costumes, lot of press people taking photos and interviewing fans about their feelings towards Episode II. The Star Wars logo was greeted with short applause and few shouts of excitement, much anticipation was in the air. At the end, there was no applause, still people looked like they really enjoyed the movie and many said that they'd love to see it again immediately.