Two fans from opposite sides of the world (St Joseph in Missouri, USA and Brunei) tell us of their frustration at missing out on seeing AOTC at midnight:
Darth Early tells us:
In St. Joseph, Missouri, a local TV station purchased ALL of the tickets for the midnight showing of Episode II: Attack of the Clones. They did this as a promotional stunt in which they would later give the tickets out for free to diehard fans. Sounds ok, in theory, but... Several people waiting in line for the midnight showing tickets were not told that the tickets for the showing had already been purchased. Fans waited outside the Plaza 8 Theater in St. Joseph for hours, only to be told later that the tickets were gone. In order to obtain the tickets, they would have to be at a special place to be disclosed by the TV station at a later date. Fans are fuming because many are unable to leave work to get the tickets when the station is giving them away. The station gave them away between 11:30 and 12:00 today, leaving fans that had stood in line to purchase them originaly high and dry. Representatives of KQ2 in St. Joseph are claiming that this is a special arrangement with Lucasfilm, which many fans are finding hard to swallow. They are claiming that there was to be no midnight showing until they stepped in and made "last minute calls to Lucasfilm."
A similar thing has happened in Brunei as Are-k tells us:
Bad news for the cinema going public in Brunei, HSBC has hired the cinemas screening AOTC on May 16 & 17. Along with many others I've been trying to get tickets to AOTC for weeks and the cinema staff kept telling me to come back at a later date. The other day they told me that three months ago HSBC booked the cinemas for May 16 & 17. Turns out that HSBC has given the tickets to their "preferred customers".