I am watching CNN right now and Connie Chung is interviewing George Lucas right now on all things Star Wars....... She asked him about if, after 9/11, people were ready for a hero. Master Lucas told her that he thinks Spiderman proves that we are looking for heros. She then asked him if he was nervous about Spiderman. He said that it's Sony and Spiderman that should be nervous about Star Wars!!! GO GEORGE!!!
One more thing...... She asked George if he was grooming someone to take the helm for anymore episodes (i.e. episodes 7-9) He said NO..... after Episode III there will be NOMORE movies. (pretty much figured that) but he also said that Star Wars would continue to exist in other mediums.... no hint on what those are but one can assume that he was talking about the expanded universe. (books, video games etc.)
Lord G sends this:
I just have to say that the connie chung interview made me so uncomfortable. She acted like she didn't know a damn thing about star wars.... see the yoda comment: when he shoots a gun....what the heck? She was cutting people off, asking questions in a rude manner and looked as if she kinda ticked off Frank Oz. She was trying to act like she knew so much and trying to manipulate the actors and the movie. Asking Lucas if he based Darth Vader on his father? My god. This woman is such a thorn in my side right now and it just made me squirm during the whole interview. I think someone should write CNN and let them know how we feel cause I am sure that I am not the only one who feels like this. Did you?