BBC Newsround featured an interview with Hayden & Natalie as well as AOTC footage. Anthony tells us:
Just thought you would like to know about a special feature that appeared on British TV, 'BBC 1 Newsround 5.25'. An extended shot of Anakin on his Swoop bike from the front and another slightly extended shot of (highlight to read) Anakin taking a swing at a Tusken Raider. All this was coupled by an interview with Natalie and Haden at Skywalker Ranch. It looks like they will be showing more interviews and shots tomorrow and Friday at the same time 5.25
anakin_skywalker_sct adds:
Most notably, the background music from the clip was a slightly slow version of the Imperial March. And I doubt it was just stock music they stuck onto the clip because the other scenes they showed had music from Episode II attached to them.
They asked Hayden and Natalie a couple of questions. Basically Hayden said he loves Star Wars and hopes he doesn't screw it up and Natalie said she thinks it's worth giving up 10 years of her life for and loved playing a non-stereotypical female heroine who didn't need to be rescued.
The Hayden interview appears on the Newsround website. Here's an excerpt:
Lizo: Did George Lucas give you any hints about Episode III just to help you in this one?
Hayden: No - there were times when I would want to play a scene a little more innocently and he'd want a different emotion so it was more believable in Episode III that I'd made that transition. It was just a process of trying to find some kind of balance. He never actually told me what would happen in Episode III - like why you have to do this now. He likes to keep his secrets to himself.
You can read the rest of Hayden's interview by clicking here. Thanks to Anthony and anakin_skywalker_sct for the alerts.