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Australian Fan Reactions to AOTC - Pt 1 of 3

Posted By Britany on May 15, 2002

Here a some fan reactions we received from Australians after seeing AOTC. Spoilers are whited out.

Ardin tells us:

Just finished seeing the Aust. Premiere of Ep II. Great Flick! I thought the love sequences were well done, despite negative reviews, and dialogue overall is generally improved from Ep I. A well put together film that makes you beg for more. Just thought I?d let you know...

bw_dave tells us:

Well I just got back from the midnight session here, and I was shocked at how much of a buzz it was. Firstly let me say that I live in one of the smallest, hick-town capitals in the world ... Hobart the capital of Tasmania, where everything is low-key and slow.

I figured you could rock up at 11:00 and be in the front of the queue, but that was not the case! This was the biggest movie opening I've seen in Hobart ... hundreds of people queueing up for ages, many in costume, and very definitely a "star wars fan" aura engulfed the place.

This is probably all pretty ho-hum for the US, or even larger cities in Australia, but down here it was pretty unheard of. The crowd loved the movie by the sound of the reactions, and when (highlight to read) yoda showed up at the end, everyone went ballistic!! Every time he fended of Dooku's force attacks, there was mad cheering ... something I'd never seen down here either.

It was great, although I had slightly too high expectations I think, and have decided to remain unspoiled for epIII, because I kept noticing scenes that weren't in the movie any more, and wanting to see them. Off to bed now ... congrats to George for releasing it over here first :-)

Jeremy tells us:

Of the 744 pre-booked seats for our cinema only a handfull were in full jedi attire. However this is a full art-deco complex complete with Wurlitzer pipe organ that rises out of the floor. Before the previews (there were no ads) the organ lifted up with a run though of the SW theme with the organist dressed as Darth Vader.

Jennifer tells us:

Just finished watching it, and...... it was pretty cool, (it's not going to win any awards) but it's always good to get a little more star wars, it had way to many bad puns, but it seems they were trying to recapture some of atmosphere from ep5.

Alex tells us:

Been in line (and in full make-up) for about 10 hours of a total of 16 at this stage. Just woken up (sleeping on the cinema couches). Place in line #1. BTW, the movie is simply amazing, im still too overloaded think properly at the moment.

O-Beer-Won tells us:

I just got back from the midnight screening of "Attack of the Clones", and must I say it was awesome. Everyone in the audience was into it from the start. The greatest cheers were reserved for (highlight to read) Master Yoda in his dual with Dooku, you could not ask for a better portrayal of yoda's first light sabre battle, Mace Windu's quick dispatching of Jango Fett while surprising only added to Windu's prestige as a swordsman and Obi's patience, humour and power solidified him as a Jedi Master.

One lady in the crowd dressed as Queen Amidila and about 4 cinema's were full. After my first viewing of AOTC I'm inclined to rate it the best star wars flick yet!

Michael tells us:

Just got out of the Burwood screening(s) in Sydney, Australia. They were showing in 3 cinemas, all full. Great vibe, everyone excited and happy. They started letting us in about 45 minutes prior so there was not too much pushing or shoving. The tension builds pretty slowly but by the time (highlight to read) Yoda gets going - WOW! - it was really pumping! Feeling pretty good about it ...a solid 8 ... better than ROTJ and TPM.

Cera tells us:

Just back from AOTC............ ABSOLUTELY loved it. Totally different from TPM and very, very poignant. Worth every min of 3.5 hrs waited in line for. (To quote the great Isaac Asimov, "Bring on Episode III").

Leighton tells us:

In Newcastle, Australia (more specifiacally Greater Union, Glendale) there was a lot of fun to be had. Four sold out theatres (that was all they were allowed I guess because it was sold out yesterday) and well over a thousand in attendance. Dozens dressed up jedi and a Han, Leia and Darth Vader thrown in amongst hundreds of Hasbro lightsabres. NBN news captured a few dueling jedis for their news coverage and interviewed the Leia. The movie itself went off without a hitch!

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