Coruscant Transport Ship


Model: Passenger Transport
Affiliation: Republic
Status: Transport Ship used on Coruscant
Crew: Unknown
Passengers: Unknown
Weapon: Unknown

Screenshot from Return of the Jedi: Special Edition

The Facts

Nothing specific has been said about this ship, but production art of it have appeared in various Star Wars magazines as well as on the Official Star Wars Site. It also appeared in the Coruscant scenes at the end of ROTJ:SE, which McCallum have said are a bit of a preview for the Prequels.

Taken from the STAR WARS GALAXY

Taken from


There was an old rumor that one of these ships is attacked and chased through the airways of Coruscant near the beginning of Episode 1. We don't know if this is true, though. Hopefully, we will have more information in the near future.