Sebulba Played by: Ray Griffiths (CGI Reference), voice by Lewis MacLeod Species: Unknown Status: Unknown Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Sex: Unknown, Male? Homeworld: Tatooine (?) Political Affiliation: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Unknown Vehicle of Choice: Racing Pod |
Lucasfilm has registered the domain and and it links back to the Official Star Wars site. The name is also registered in the US Trademark Database.
Lewis MacLeod has told several papers that he did the voice of Sebulba. Reader Brian Cameron obtained a full copy of the Lewis McLeod interview of which excerpts appeared in The Scottish Sun and other British papers. It also includes some interesting details on the manner in which McLeod's facial features and expressions were transferred to a digital character. The interview is interesting but lengthy, so click here to read it!
Delta Source: There is a completely CG character called Sebulba in some of the Tatooine scenes. Sebulba is an important figure in the Pod Race sequence and the creature has an interaction with Anakin's engine. There is also a location called "Sebulba's Cafe" (9/15/97).
Valorum: Sebulba is Anakin's main competion in the Pod Race and the creature tries to sabotage Anakin's pod!