
Name: Captain Panaka
Played by: Hugh Quarshie
Species: Human
Status: Captain of the Guard, Chief of Security for the Queen
Age: 40-something
Height: Unknown
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Naboo
Political Affiliation: Naboo
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol
Vehicle of Choice: Queen's Ship, Gian Speeder
Quotes: "This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army."

The Facts

The CD "Behind the Magic" and the Star Wars Insider #40 both confirmed Captain Panaka's name and role in the prequel. There's a shot of him here and another shot of Captain Panaka here.

Star Wars Insider #40 featured an interview with Hugh Quarshie. He mentions that he is a big Star Wars fan and that he is happier doing Star Wars than being in the Royal Shakespeare Company.

"In Episode I, Quarshie plays the steely Captian Panaka, who serves as chief of security - and personal protector - to the young Queen. As the story unfolds, Panaka becomes increasingly instrumental in the ensuing adventures."

Hugh Quarshie also states the following:

The way I conceived of the role is that he is very tough, and I figured the tougher I was, the tougher it would make the Jedi seem. Obviously, no one out-toughed the Jedi, but Captain Panaka was going to give them a run for their money!

The Galoob Micro Machine Action Fleet Theed Playset has the following quote on the back of the box:

The small planet of Naboo has been invaded. A force of battle droids has been sent to take over the queen's palace. Captain Panaka and the queen's footsoldiers race in their sleek Gian speeder to resist the onslaught.

Spy Reports

Jix: Way back in August Jix told us that Captain Panaka was one of the characters in the scenes shot at the Caserta Palace.