
Name: Bib Fortuna
Played by: Unknown
Species: Twi'lek
Status: Senator's Aide
Age: Unknown
Height: 1.8 meters
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Ryloth
Political Affiliation: Republic (?)
Weapon of Choice: Hold-out Blaster
Vehicle of Choice: Personal Repulsor Skiff
Bib Fortuna
©1997 LucasFilm Ltd.

The Facts

Actor's Comments:Though Michael Carter, the original Bib, won't be playing him in the prequels, he did find out the following:

" The only thing is my daughter is 21 years old and is about to start her final year getting her degree in design at the Glascow School of Art, which is a very good school in Great Britain. Her best friend was doing some work on the costumes for the first (prequel) film. She met George Lucas. She went back to Glascow, and I had given my daughter a shirt with a painting of Bib on it. She was wearing it one night when she went out for a drink with her friend. Her friend said "Why are you wearing a Bib Fortuna T-shirt?" My daughter said, "well that's my dad!" This girl couldn't believe it because she had been lengthening my costume. She'd spent six weeks working with a full life-size photo of me beside her desk, not knowing this was her friend's father. I think they're going to be using my costume for the new movie. There might be creatures like Bib. "

This was not a confirmation that it was Bib, but Spy Reports support it.

Spy Reports

Valorum: Bib Fortuna is in one of the Senate scenes, as a part of the entourage to the Twi'lek Senator of Ryloth. Also present is a female Twi'lek representative.