Jedi Council on Coruscant Played by: Various Actors and CGI Species: Various Species Status: Jedi Ruling Council Age: Various Height: N/A Sex: Male and Female Homeworld: Coruscant Political Affiliation: Jedi Weapon of Choice: Lightsabers Vehicle of Choice: Unknown |
?1997 LucasFilm Ltd. |
Check out the Official Star Wars web site's new feature: The Jedi Council Chamber! There are 12 members of the Jedi Council, however official information on them is limited.
The following is a combination of Prequel Watch's news on the Jedi Council Members and information from our sources. We've heard that Lucasfilm is releasing various spellings, and details that differ slightly for security reasons. Remember that the non-linear approach to filmmaking thatMr. Lucas and gang are utilizing allows them the freedom to change any element at any time!
Depa Billaba - Nothing is known to us about this Jedi character.Prequel Watch states that Khan Bonfils, Alan Ruscoe, and Gin will play the other members. As you can see there are still a couple of council members that nobody seems to know anything about. All of the council members, even the humans, are very exotic. Of course this could be said about all of the characters from Episode I! The council member's gowns, and robes are very sleek and regal. Others have elaborate, armored portions of their costumes, headdresses, and some even wear masks. The Jedi Council scenes will surely be some of the most intriguing one's in the Episode I! Prequel Watch also states that many of these characters will have large roles in Episode 2.Sacler Eeg - We don't know anything about this character at this time.
Oppo Rannos - A very hairy Jedi Master a la "Cousin It" but with shorter length fur. Performed by an actor, but likely a CGI head. Large, yet regal.
Valorum: Valorum tells us the role of the Jedi Council on Coruscant is not only to question traitors to the Jedi, but also to decide other matters of importance regarding the order. One example Valorum mentioned was choosing who is to be trained as a Jedi. Mace Windu, Yaddle, and Yoda are part of this Council.
Mode: Mode tells us that there is an important council of Jedi who wear Vader-style helmets. One of the members of this council is female.
Unnamed Source: 1/15/98 -- A new source told us that the Jedi Council members who are aliens are very, very cool CG characters. This source had more information on them, but was not willing to talk yet. So be prepared to be impressed by them.
Anonymous Source 7/5/98 -- A new source contacted us to the Jedi Council:
There was NO cyborg Jedi masters on set both days they filmed the Jedi Council Chamber scenes. Other Jedi's - Samuel L. Jackson (of course), Yoda (of course), Yaddle (a younger version of Yoda), Ki Adi Amundi (alien) and Even Piell (alien). Will try and remember the others.
Hmmm! Well, now we have reliable sources in agreement on some parts and in disagreement in others. Possibly the cyborg Jedi is CG? We'll continue to dig. That's all for now.