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The Jedi Assembly Celebrates Anniversary

Posted By Carol on September 21, 2007

Jedi costuming group The Jedi Assembly (TJA) celebrated its fifth anniversary this year with gatherings at Celebration 4 and Dragon*Con, as well with a commemorative patch.

TJA, founded by Anthony Foister (who was first runner-up in this year's Mr. Star Wars pageant at Dragon*Con), was started after Foister's mother created a Jedi costume for Halloween. He started looking for other Jedi costumers on the Internet and found many sites that catered to a lot of different Star Wars characters, but not one for just Jedi.

Since then, the group has grown to over 300 costumed members and many more who meet to talk on the message board. Prospective members must have their costume approved by members of The Jedi Council and must be of high standard.

The first formal gathering of the group was at Celebration 3 in Indianapolis where they had a fan table and raffled off a complete Jedi costume as a fundraiser three different charities. Smaller groups have also appeared at other conventions, such as Dragon*Con, ConNooga, Motor City Comic Con, and many others. Groups have also toured children's hospitals, helped with events such as John Williams concerts and Lucasfilm events, and held panels at Dragon*Con and other conventions on Jedi costuming.

TJA also held a contest for costumed members this year to create a design for a commemorative patch. T-shirts, lanyards and even temporary tattoos are some of the merchandise that was available for members only during the past year.

For more information about the club, please visit their website at www.thejediassembly.com.

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