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Jedi Assembly Now Accepting TOR Characters

Posted By Mike on March 18, 2012

Our friend Carol of The Jedi Assembly costuming organization has sent word that Jedi from Star Wars: The Old Republic are now being accepted...

The Jedi Council of The Jedi Assembly (www.thejediassembly.com) is please to announce the acceptance of Jedi characters from the video game "The Old Republic.

As stated in The Jedi Code of TJA, "Game Character Costumes:

Star Wars The Old Republic: "Basic customizable characters" - that is, those you would start out with at the beginning of the game, must only be in earth tone colors. No highly customized characters are allowed. Your costume must have a basic Jedi look to it.
For other games: Face characters only. Costumes must be accurate to screen and have a Jedi look. No highly customized characters will be accepted. The general public must be able to identify you as Jedi, not as an elf, Ninja, etc. with a lightsaber.

Applicants must site their source and email a screen shot of the character with costume pieces visible to jedicouncil@thejediassembly.com for verification"

The Jedi Assembly has also updated its basic costume requirements. These can be found on Article V: Costume and Membership Requirements of the Jedi Code found at http://www.thejediassembly.com/jedicode.php?art=v

The Jedi Assembly is a worldwide fan-based group for Star Wars light-side Jedi costuming enthusiasts. It is our intent to further enhance the Star Wars fantasy by recreating Jedi costumes for our enjoyment as well as others. We encourage screen-accurate Jedi costumers as well as novice costumers to join and share their knowledge with others. Please see The Jedi Assembly web page for more information.

Thanks Carol!

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