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Dark Horse Press Release for March Comics

Posted By JF on December 20, 2000

Jedi Knights, Tusken Raiders, and Aurra Sing meet in the epic Star Wars: Outlander - now collected in a trade paperback!

On the desert planet Tatooine, life is a game of survival. The planet's blazing hot twin suns are enemy enough to all living things, but there are worse dangers lurking in the sands. Dangers the locals know as Sand People. Soon, Jedi Knight Ki- Adi -Mundi will learn why they are so feared when he confronts the desert demons in the thrilling new trade paperback collection Star Wars: Outlander.

Ki-Adi-Mundi's first assignment after joining the Jedi Council takes him back to the fearsome desert wastelands of Tatooine. The Jedi Council has tracked a long wayward and powerful Jedi, Sharad Hett of the Sand People, to the backwater world, and it's up to Ki to find him and convince him to return. Only two things stand in his way: the vicious krayt dragon of Tatooine and the Jedi-slaying bounty hunter Aurra Sing! Worse still, Ki has little choice but to ask for help from the slimiest crime lord of them all, Jabba the Hutt - and Jabba's aid always comes with a price!

"The Outlander story line is one of my favorite story arcs written by one of my favorite Star Wars writers, Tim Truman," said Star Wars editor Dave Land. "It's an exciting adventure with three really griping stories that go on at the same time yet intersect seamlessly".

Th e Star Wars: Outlander trade paperback collects issues 7-12 from the Star Wars ongoing monthly comic. It features the gripping story telling of Tim Truman and dynamic art by Tom Raney, Rick Leonardi, and Al Rio. It arrives in stores March 14 with a retail price of $12.95.

A stranded Jedi battles killer droids in Star Wars: Star Crash

Alone without his lightsaber, newly appointed Jedi Yoshi Raph-Elan must face his first true test as a Jedi when he crash-lands on a mysterious planet. On a strange world with dark secrets the young Jedi learns to face his destiny in the exciting one-shot Star Wars: Star Crash.

Lost on a strange planet, young Jedi Yoshi Raph-Elan makes his way to a small village in hopes of a rescue but instead finds a town living in fear. Droid sentries patrol the streets and keep the townspeople under strict control. After a close call with the deadly machines, Yoshi learns of a nearby castle where the answers as to who is behind this tyranny may lie. He sets out for the castle and finds that like the town, it is full of the deadly droids! The Jedi enters the castle undetected and makes his way to a special room where he finds a beautiful human princess who turns to aim her blaster at him! Yoshi realizes his troubles have only just begun.

"It's a classic fairy tale with elements of the science fiction and western genres," said writer Douglas Petrie. " I think Randy Green's art really captures the spirit of the original film. I'm a big Star Wars fan myself, so this has been a dream come true."

Star Wars: Star Crash is an exciting one-shot story in Star Wars ongoing series #27. It features the dynamic writing of Douglas Petrie (writer from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer T.V. series) and fantastic art by Randy Green ( Witchblade ). It arrives in stores February 28 with a retail price of $2.99.

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