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Republic #63 Striking From the Shadows

Story: John Ostrander
Art: Jan Duursema
Inks: Dan Parsons
Coloring: Brad Anderson
Lettering: Michael David Thomas
Cover: Brian Ching, Brad Anderson
Released: 04/07/2004

Reviewed by: JF Boivin (02/24/2005)


After successfully completing the task of retrieving a Sith holocron from the planet Korriban for his new Master Dooku, Quinlan Vos is assigned to assassinate someone in the Senate who might be a powerful Sith Lord. Disguised as General Zac'ryah Vos, a deceased relative, Quinlan manages to infiltrate the Senator's room at night. Despite having a Jedi guarding him, the Senator is killed and Quinlan escapes. But the Jedi Council wonder how deep down the Dark path Quinlan has wandered.

[final cover]

[preview cover]


This issue continues where the Jedi: Dooku one-shot left off. The opening sequence has Tol Skorr (returning from the aforementioned comic) and Quinlan competing to see who will get Darth Andeddu's holocron from his tomb on Korriban. Quinlan does not care for his opponent, almost killing him without any hesitation. He thinks he is only doing this to complete his mission of winning Dooku's trust and get information to the Republic, but the events in this story proves there is more to it.

I really like the way that Ostrander represents someone who has gone to the Dark Side but does not realize it. Quinlan thinks that he has only gone "deeper in he shadows" and believes he is still himself, but thoughts like "His fear makes me strong. It is my ally" pretty much tells us where he is. The only sign there might be some good left in him and maybe some remorse, is his horrible dream of Sheyf Tint?, the relative he struck down in anger accusing him of being "a Jedi no more."

There is an interesting conversation between Dooku and Quin about the existence of the Sith. Dooku reveals he knows there is a Sith in the Senate, but very craftily evades any alusions to himself being one as well. When Quinlan arrives in the Senate in disguise, along with his trusty lover Khaleen, there is a nice cameo by Senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Then it's on to the red herring. Dooku gives gives Quin the signal when the person believed to be a Sith Lord is nearby. And at that moment come Grand Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Vient?. Which leads us to believe Quin is out to assassinate Palpatine. But of course not! Why would Dooku put his Master in danger?

The ensuing fight between the Whiphid K'kruhk and Quinlan is brutal. the fact that K'kruhk survives might be another clue as to whether Quin is completely gone or not.


Is it possible or is Jan Duursema getting better? I have yet to see Quinlan illustrated by another artist, and I hope I don't have to because Duursema has him down pat. Dooku's and Palpatine's likenesses are amazing. And she even makes a Whiphid look expressive. Need I say more?


Another fascinating Quinlan Vos issue, and if you're a fan of this character you're going to get your money's worth.

Rating: 8 / 10 Recommended

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