Nothing can prepare the galaxy for what lies waiting aboard a seemingly abandoned, derelict Star Destroyer. Amidst its vast creaking emptiness the unknown is lurking and the dead are slowly rising: soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.
Gentle Giant showcases the macabre side of Star Wars with the release of this remarkably horrifying 1/6th scale mini-bust. Accurately sculpted with detailed and distressed armor, then hand painted to Gentle Giant’s always exacting specifications. This fine collectible is a limited edition. Each piece is individually numbered with matching certificate of authenticity. There are 2 versions of this finely crafted collectible.
Death Trooper Mini Bust
Death Trooper Mini Bust is a limited release of 2500 pieces worldwide. Each mini bust comes with a complete paperback edition of Joe Schreiber’s Star Wars horror novel : DEATH TROOPERS.
Death Trooper Deluxe Mini Bust - GG Web Exclusive
Each Deluxe Death Trooper Mini Bust features detachable armor plates revealing the morbid decay of the Imperial walking dead, including the fiendish face behind the mask! A blaster and 3 additional Interchangeable arms are included. Allowing for dozens of customizable variations, for an army of The Empire’s undead.
Pre-orders are open to Premier Guild members only until June 15th. Pre-orders will be opened to the general Public on June 16th.