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Lucas Learning Unveils Two New Titles

Posted By Stephen on August 15, 2000

A Lucas Learning press release:

Lucas Learning Ltd. Releases a Festival of Fun for Children Age Four to Six in Star Wars Early Learning Activity Center

SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 15, 2000--

Children Develop Early Learning Skills in Reading, Math and the Arts with their Favorite Star Wars Characters

A celebration is taking place honoring the new-found friendship between the Gungans and the people of Naboo, and everyone is invited in Star Wars(R) Early Learning Activity Center(TM).

Children join in the celebration through exploring six different engaging and entertaining activities, designed to help develop early learning skills in reading, math and the arts. Available immediately for PC and Macintosh, the game has an estimated street price of $29.95. Star Wars Early Learning joins the library of Lucas Learning award-winning titles, focused on providing children learning opportunities through exploration and discovery.

With Star Wars Early Learning, players join a variety of their favorite Star Wars: Episode I characters such as Anakin and Queen Amidala, and choose from three open-ended and three directed activities. Open-ended activities allow children to explore and create their own music, dances and puppet shows while the three directed activities provide practice in sorting, pattern recognition and spatial and directional concepts. In the Gungan Treasure Hunt for example, children gain experience with spatial and directional concepts as they guide Obi-Wan through an underwater world, discovering hidden caves and uncovering treasures. All directed activities automatically increase in complexity and difficulty, and are based on the basic activities found in a developmental preschool or kindergarten.

"In keeping with the Lucas Learning vision, Star Wars Early Learning provides a 'learning through play' experience through both open-ended and directed activities," says Andrea Futter, project leader for Lucas Learning. "The activities were designed to nurture both creativity and critical thinking, while developing many of the concepts and skills that are age appropriate for 4-6 year olds including pre-reading and language development, early math, music, and dance."


Watto, the infamous junk shop dealer of Mos Espa, is looking for a few good pilots to help rid the galaxy of space junk.

But first you'll need to build a new ship! Star Wars(R) Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy(TM), from Lucas Learning, seamlessly integrates basic arithmetic skills and math principles into exciting games of strategy and logic. Available immediately for PC and Macintosh, Star Wars Math has an estimated street price of $29.95. Star Wars Math joins the library of Lucas Learning award-winning titles, focused on providing children learning opportunities through exploration and discovery.

After crash landing on Tatooine, players enter the world of Jabba's Game Galaxy. Here they challenge favorite Star Wars characters such as Jabba the Hutt and Sebulba to math based games of skill and strategy, earning credits as they go. In Ratts Race, for example, players wind their way through an intriguing board game, solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, equivalencies and geometry problems along the way. A two-player option allows for games to be played against a fellow earth opponent.

Once players have earned credits, they can commence rebuilding their ship. Kids use their credits to purchase parts from Watto in his shop, and then continue on to the hangar to construct and customize their ship. When the ship is ready, kids navigate and rid the galaxy of dangerous space junk and asteroids in a math focussed action-arcade activity.

Each of the math games in Star Wars Math support the content standards for primary grades set forth in the National Standards for Teaching Mathematics and are modeled after kid-proven math games and traditional multicultural strategy games.

"Our main goal with Star Wars Math was to create an engaging game for kids, that still has all the components parents are looking for: recognizable math content, high replayability, and an overarching goal with lots of rewards and encouragement," says Collette Michaud, project leader for Lucas Learning. "We wanted to go beyond the standard math drill and practice software game and excite kids about math in a new and fun way that was well integrated with the Star Wars universe."

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eBay Today 1345: The Rarest Of Rare Kenner Action Figure
Posted By D. Martin on May 24, 2013:
eBay Today 1345: The Rarest Of Rare Kenner Action Figure

Sideshow Collectibles Deluxe Darth Vader Is Up!
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