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Hasbro's The Clone Wars 2011 Wave 4 Review

Hasbro's The Clone Wars 2011 Wave 4 Review

Posted By Curto on October 8, 2011

It's time once again to review another wave of Hasbro's The Clone Wars action figures!

The fourth wave for 2011 includes 2 clones, a Jedi, and a Sith...all brought to life in the animated style!

A Word About Wave Numbers
It is somewhat confusing, keeping track of this line, especially when Hasbro continues to restart the numbering each year. We have been getting a new packaging look each year, but that did not happen in 2011. Some folks think of each year's packaging design as representative of each season of the show...but really this is just a coincidence.

While this is the fourth wave of figures for 2011, it's the (11th) wave for the "Blue Skies" packaging, and to make it even more confusing, it's the (22th) wave in the TCW line overall, if you think count the repack waves that continue to ship. Yes, it's all very confusing...especially if you're trying to maintain an ongoing archive where the rules keep changing!

It's also worth noting that the figure numbers are not in order, as we are catching up with some delayed figures and other figures are split off into other case assortments. In addition, Hondo Ohanaka (CW39) is repackaged and included in this wave, but is not part of this review. This was one of the harder-to-find figures from 2009, so it's good to see him made available again for those that missed him.

Galactic Battle Game
The GBG accessories (Battle Card, Battle Stands, and Battle Dice) are still included, although the emphasis on the packaging has been downplayed a bit.

Clone Wars Adventures
As seen in previous waves, there is a huge sticker that wraps around the front and side of the bubble, offering a free 30 day membership & 450 station cash for the online game. There is a special coupon included with a code that grants access to this.

What's also of interest is a new sticker (the stickers and inserts take up at least half the front of the bubble!) that tells you to "See this gear online" at clonewarsadventures.com, but only until 3/1/12. I'm not entirely sure what this means, but if I had to guess, I'd say the extra accessories make an appearance in the game somehow, which is a great cross-promotion because the "bonus gear" for the most part does not appear in the TV show. Kids will enjoy this, no doubt. Not sure about the "only until 3/1/12" part though...

Anyway, onto the figures themselves!

CW38: Clone Commander Jet:
Clone Commander Jet
Clone Commander Jet Clone Commander Jet Clone Commander Jet
A figure that was originally planned to be released in 2010, this clone commander is pretty much like the many other clones we've seen over the years. I mean, it's basically Rex with a new head and paint job...but the new head has a pretty cool new feature: the communications headgear can be removed and replaced with an alternate version. The antenna on the sides can be displayed "up" or "down".

The deco is based on the brown & orange armor worn on Geonosis, and we've already seen a few clones in similarly-colored armor. No doubt there will be more, as this was a pretty popular story arc.

The accessories include twin blasters and a rocket launcher, plus two different headsets described above.

CW53: Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear):
Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear)
Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear) Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear) Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear)
Since Dave Filoni is a huge fan of Plo Koon, it was inevitable that we would see another action figure made of him at some point. This figure is rather interesting, since it is based on the character's appearance in Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: The Clone Wars #7, and was slated to be part of the Comic Packs line before it was cancelled.

The scupting actually appears to be quite a bit more "realistic" that the typical animated style of figures from this line, which I think is a good thing. Articulation-wise, there are no ankle joints. This is becoming more and more the standard with this line, which honestly, is a little disappointing.

Plo Koon's lightsaber is included of course. The "bonus gear" includes a snap-on mask and spiked shoes, that when worn, do not allow the figure to use the display stand. There are no holes in the shoes.

CW55: Savage Opress:
Savage Opress
Savage Opress Savage Opress Savage Opress
One of the most aniticpated and fan-favorite characters to come out of the series (move over, Cad Bane!), this all-new figure is the "shirtless" version sporting those cool tattoos that all the cool Sith seem to sport these days.

Savage is a MASSIVE figure! He towers over most of the other figures in this line, which is really great. If you only get one figure from this wave, this is the one. He does lack ankle articulation, which he should have. But this lack of POA is not enough to diminsh my liking of this figure.

Accessories included here are the training battle axe from the show, plus a fancy rocket-firing battle axe, which is the "bonus gear" for this figure. Both are very cool weapons for destroying clone troopers and Jedi.

CW56: ARF Trooper (Kamino):
ARF Trooper (Kamino)
ARF Trooper (Kamino) ARF Trooper (Kamino) ARF Trooper (Kamino)
Speaking clones, here's another repainted ARF Trooper. This time from Kamino. These are pretty easy figures for Hasbro to produce, and if you are army-building this line, there are seemingly endless possibilites, as every other episode of the TV show introduces more changes to the clone army.

The "bonus gear" included here is interesting: first, we get the speederboard that orignally came with Quinlan Vos. This gives this ARF Trooper a completely different personality, which is cool. Another accessory is the weapons rack from 1999's CommTech Stormtrooper, which works well to store the 2 DC-25 rifles include, but also plays into the connection of Republic clones to the Imperial stormtroopers. Subtle, but fitting.

Stay tuned for more updates as each figure is added to The Clone Wars Photo Archive!

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