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Pre-constructed Decks Now Available For Online Star Wars CCG

Posted By Josh on April 9, 2007

To help players ease into either the new format and/or the online game in general, I have created twelve decks--six for each side--that players can download so that they can get started playing right away. This will especially help new and returning players who feel a bit overwhelmed with all the new cards (depending on where that player last stopped playing) or the idea of having to build new decks. Players are encouraged to tweak these decks to their own personal play style or to adapt to other decks and the Classic format meta as necessary. I plan to post another round of decks in a few weeks.

The following decks are legal in both the Saga and Classic formats. (In the Saga format, where ALL cards in the Star Wars CCG are legal, a player will have to add one of the Starting Effects to their deck to use the Defensive Shield--that is the only difference between the two formats in terms of deck-building and rules.)

To download these decks, right-click and select "Save Target As"; the best place to put these files are in the "Decks" folder of the Holotable directory (by default it is located in "C:/program files" on your computer). What is the "Classic" format? All it basically is is a special environment with a limited number of cards and game concepts to create an alternate gaming experience from the "Saga" format (where every card--over 3200 to be exact!--is legal). You can read more about the Classic format in the League Forums.

If you do not have the Star Wars CCG Holotable program, you will need it first to play the card game online. You can download it from here, courtesy of theForce.Net. (There is no cost to download or use this freeware program.)

Never played the original Star Wars CCG (created by Decipher, Inc in 1995)? What are you waiting for! Download the easy-to-read PDF rules document and see what has made the Star Wars CCG one of the most popular games in card (and Star Wars) gaming history!

And don't forget to join the Star Wars CCG online league and see how you stack up against the game's other players!


Hidden Base - The Rebel Alliance is growing! Choose where their next hidden base will be and then disrupt and distract the Empire with your fleet of Rebel starfighters!

Rescue The Princess - Leia Organa is imprisoned aboard the Death Star! Can you rescue her and get the Princess of Alderaan back into the Galactic Civil War? Watch out for the Death Star--you may have to be a hero and destory the Empire's new weapon of terror before it destroys you!

Echo Base on Hoth - Establish the Rebel Alliance's new secret base on the frigid planet of Hoth. Then launch your attacks on the Galactic Empire from your new frozen base...and prepare to defend against any attacks!

Into Jabba's Lair - Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and now the possession of his former employer, Jabba the Hutt! Get your band of heroes together and rescue the galaxy's coolest smuggler from the clutches of the galaxy's most vile gangster!

Endor Strike Team - The Empire's new Death Star has been discovered at Endor! But before the attack on the space station can commence, the Rebel Alliance must send General Solo and his strike team to Endor to blow the bunker and its shield generator...

There Is Good in Him - Luke has allowed himself to be captured by Darth Vader! The young Jedi Knight is convinced that there is still good in his father. Can you turn the one time Anakin Skywalker and galaxy's most powerful Jedi back to the Light Side of the Force?


The Jedi Purge - Although scattered throughout the galaxy, Jedi still survive since the fall of the Republic! It is your task to hunt them down and be sure that their fire is permanently extinguished!

The Ultimate Power - The Death Star is fully operational and ready to enforce The Emperor's new Doctrine of Fear! First Alderaan must be dealt with, and then the various Rebel strongholds. Can you make the Empire's new battle station the ultimate power in the universe?

Hoth Invastion - The main Rebel Alliance base has been found on Hoth! Assemble your forces, decimate their defenses, and show the Rebels that the Empire is the dominating force in the galaxy!

Jabba's Empire of Villainy - From his palace on Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt manipulates the galaxy's underworld of bounty hunters, Imperial agents, and other outsiders. And those that don't bend to his will can expect the company of a rancor or the fate of the Great Pit of Carkoon...

Ominous Rumours - Talk abounds that the Empire has a new weapon of death to replace the first Death Star! From their base on Endor, can the Empire fan the flames into widespread fear? Sure the Alliance will try to stop the Empire's plans, hopefully for the last time...

The Emperor's Prize - Emperor Palpatine wishes the presence of Luke Skywalker! As war rages all around, a more personal battle between father and son is fought before the Emperor. With the help of Lord Vader, can the Emperor turn another Skywalker to the Dark Side?

[CCG - News Archives]
Fantasy Flight Games Releases The Search For Skywalker Expansion
Posted By Dustin on April 26, 2013:
One of the light side?s greatest heroes has gone missing?

Edge Of Darkness Deluxe Expansion Announced For Star Wars: The Card Game
Posted By Dustin on February 23, 2013:
Two new faction decks!

Star Wars X-Wing Card Game Details
Posted By Dustin on August 11, 2011:
Video interview from Gen-Con

Fantasy Flight Games Joins Forces With LFL
Posted By Mike on August 2, 2011:
Card, RPG & miniatures games on the way!

Passing This Along: Petition Of The 2000
Posted By Eddie on March 29, 2011:
Fans concerned about established continuity...

Star Wars Trading Card Game
Posted By Dustin on May 8, 2008:
Still alive and kickin' online...

Happy 30th Anniversary Star Wars!
Posted By Dustin on May 25, 2007:
Stephen Hayford's latest tribute to that galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars CCG Online "Classic" and "Episode VI" Tournament Info
Posted By Josh on April 17, 2007:
PLUS pre-constructed decks for the Episode VI format...

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