Hoth Location Deployment - The Hoth expansion includes special locations called "marker sites". These sites represent areas outside Echo Base and have a special sequencing feature called 'marker numbers.' Marker sites can be brought into play in any order but are laid out sequentially. Thus, marker numbers indicate where a site must be inserted when it is deployed. The layout of these "marker sites" and related Hoth Sites are shown below.

Special Notes:

A "marker site" is any of the seven Hoth sites with a marker number.
An "innermost marker" is a term used to indicate the lowest-numbered marker site currently on table.
An "outermost marker" is a term used to indicate the highest-numbered marker site currently on table.
Interior Hoth: Echo sites (except the docking bay) may deployed on the table in any order.
The Wampa Cave (7th Marker) is NEVER considered the outermost marker in terms of shielded Hoth sites
Hoth Energy Shield Rules - The Hoth: Main Power Generators site produces an energy shield which is 'strong enough to withstand any bombardment.' This shield protects much of Hoth for the Light Side by preventing many forms of Dark Side deployment and movement; however, the Dark Side may deploy or land beyond the shield and 'march in' to Echo Base.
    The energy shield will extend at least as far as the 3rd marker, so an exterior site with a marker number of 4 or more is needed to establish the shield's boundary. Therefore, whenever you are about to deploy the Main Power Generators (even as your starting location), you must check to see if marker 4, 5, or 6 is on table. If not, you must immediately deploy your 4th marker site -- the North Ridge -- from hand or Reserve Deck, reshuffling as necessary (if you are unable to deploy the North Ridge, you may not deploy the Main Power Generators). The same holds true if you select the Main Power Generators as your starting location.
    When the Main Power Generators site is face up on table, the energy shield covers all Hoth sites except the outermost exterior marker site and the Wampa Cave. At shielded sites, the Dark Side may not:
        deploy vehicles, starships or characters (not even spies);
        take off or land;
        use shuttling, docking bay transit or any other movement that logically would be stopped by the energy shield (such as Elis Helrot or
            Bombing Run); or
        add power to battles as a result of starships controlling the system (e.g., from the Hoth system location, a Victory-Class Star Destroyer or
            Fear Will Keep Them In Line).
    The energy shield does not protect the Light Side from a ground assault 'underneath the shield.' At shielded sites, the Dark Side may:
        move vehicles and characters from site to site;
        deploy and use creatures, weapons, Effects, and other cards normally; and
        perform any actions not otherwise prohibited by these rules
    The energy shield does not restrict the Light Side in any way (because conceptually the Rebels can activate and deactivate the shield to allow their own forces to pass). When the energy shield is not active, both sides can deploy and move to Hoth normally.
Anakin's Lightsaber - Because Leia is a Skywalker, this character weapon will work on any Leia who has ability > 3.
Artillery Weapons - Because of its bulk and mechanical limitations, an AT-AT may not increase its landspeed above 1. (This rule was incorporated into the game text of the Blizzard AT-AT cards in the revised white-border printing of the Hoth expansion set.)
AT-AT's - Because of its bulk and mechanical limitations, an AT-AT may not increase its landspeed above 1. (This rule was incorporated into the game text of the Blizzard AT-AT cards in the revised white-border printing of the Hoth expansion set.)
Blown away -- Hoth: Main Power Generators  - When the Hoth: Main Power Generators site is "blown away,"
        the power generators are destroyed (turned face-down);
        the Hoth energy shield is deactivated; and
        all cards at that site are lost.
    Turning the site card face-down identifies it as an unnamed, exterior Hoth site where cards can still deploy, battle and move. Its only other remaining usable feature is its marker number. The site card may not be deployed again (or converted). Also, you only lose 8 Force only when the site is 'blown away' by Target The Main Generator, not when it is lost in another way (such as when the Hoth system location is 'blown away' by Commence Primary Ignition).
'Collapsed' sites -When an interior site is 'collapsed' (e.g., by Collapsing Corridor), all cards at that site are lost and its Force icons and game text are canceled. The site remains in play for other purposes; however, each deployment or movement to or from that site requires 1 additional Force. A collapsed site is 'rebuilt' if either player deploys a new copy of that site.
Combat Vehicles - A kind of vehicle which is specialized for battle. A combat vehicle must have a pilot aboard to use most of it's game functions (see pilot). However, it may be shuttled or moved between docked starships without a pilot aboard.
'Crashed' - Some cards can cause a vehicle to crash. A crashed vehicle has no landspeed, power or maneuver. If the vehicle has armor it is reduced to armor = 2 (see unmodifiable values). A crashed vehicle may not utilize game text, vehicle weapons or any cards which would logically require the vehicle to be operational (i.e. Trample, Attack Pattern Delta).
    Characters aboard a vehicle that is crashed are not automatically lost and may disembark during your move phase. However, if the 'crashed' vehicle is enclosed:
        embarking or disembarking requires 1 Force per character and
        any character remaining aboard may not use power, ability or game text that applies to battle.
    Because a crashed vehicle may not utilize game text, any permanent pilot aboard does not provide ability (or presence). (Remember, if presence is completely removed from one side during a battle, the battle ends.)
Creatures - Creatures deploy and move only within their 'habitat' (as defined on each creature's card). Neither presence nor Force icons are required for deployment. Creatures have a landspeed of 1, and may move during each of their owner's move phases (for free).
Creatures -- attacks  - Creatures do not participate in battles (and thus weapons cannot normally target a creature during a battle); instead, they participate in attacks. Cards that specifically affect battles do not affect attacks, and vice versa.
    Creatures attack only when they are present with another creature, a creature vehicle or a non-droid character (even if missing or captured). However, characters aboard any non-creature vehicles (even open vehicles) are protected from creature attacks.

Ferocity -- Creatures have a ferocity number which they use both offensively and defensively. If a creature has a variable ferocity, such as '3 + destiny,' draw such destiny each time the creature participates in an attack, or when its ferocity is required by a card (e.g., Yaggle Gakkle).
    There are three kinds of attacks:
        creatures attacking other creatures;
        creatures attacking non-droid characters and creature vehicles; and
        creatures being attacked.
    Attacks do not create battle damage, attrition or forfeiting, and thus no Force is lost by either player.

Attacking other creatures -- If at any time two creatures are present together, they immediately attack each other (unless they are the same kind of selective creature); this is an automatic action. Compare their ferocity numbers. The creature with the lower ferocity is 'eaten' (lost). If there is a tie, both creatures are lost.
    If there are more than two creatures present, choose two randomly to attack each other. Continue the process of creatures attacking each other until there are fewer than two present (or until they are all the same kind of selective creature).

Attacking non-droid characters and creature vehicles -- During every battle phase (of both players), each creature present with one or more non-droid characters and/or creature vehicles must initiate one attack. If there are targets for the creature to attack on both sides of the Force, the creature's owner decides which side will be attacked. If there is more than one potential target on that side, choose one randomly. Compare the creature's ferocity to the target's power (plus one destiny if the target has 4 or more ability). If ferocity > power, the target is defeated. Normally, this means the target is 'eaten' (lost), although certain cards specify other results of being defeated.

Creatures being attacked -- During each of your battle phases, your characters, vehicles and starships present with one or more creatures may initiate one attack against one of those creatures (your choice). All of your cards that could participate in a battle at that location participate in the attack. (Your characters, vehicles and starships may initiate one battle per location and/or one attack per location.)
    Use 1 Force to initiate an attack against a creature. You may fire applicable weapons at that creature. Each creature has its own defense value, such as 'SLITHER 5' or 'VICIOUS HOWL 3.' If the creature is 'hit,' it is lost and the attack is over.
    If the creature is not 'hit' by a weapon, calculate your total power in the same manner as for a battle, including one destiny draw if you have 4 or more ability participating in the attack. If total power > ferocity + defense value, the creature is lost.
    The destiny draw added to the target's power for 4 or more ability is added to total power, not to the character's power. Even a character with power = 0 may add one destiny in a creature attack if that character has ability of 4 or more.
    A creature cannot attack (or be attacked) during a battle.

Creature Vehicles -Creature vehicles have ability and thus do not require drivers or pilots. If a creature vehicle is lost, any characters aboard it may "jump off" (or disembark) at the same site and survive.
Long-Range Weapons - Some weapons (i.e. Assault Rifle) specify that they may target cards at locations other than the weapon's location. Your warrior, vehicle etc. carrying such a weapon does not have to be participating in a battle or attack in order to fire that weapon. However, you must be--
        targeting something that is participating in a battle; or
        targeting a creature that you are attacking; or
        using a special card such as Sniper, Blasted Droid or Target The Main Generator.
    This ruling streamlines and improves the gameplay of the following cards: AT-AT Cannon, Atgar Laser Cannon, Blaster Scope, Concussion Grenade, Golan Laser Battery, Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon and Superlaser. These cards now operate more consistently with other long-range weapons.
    If a long-range weapon allows firing into and/or through an interior site, it is assumed to be conceptually firing through a door or window.
    Long-range weapons may be used more than once per turn, although they are still limited to once per battle (like all other weapons).
Mining Droid Rules - When your mining droid is present at any site, it may 'lay' (deploy) mines face up there. If the droid is on a planet, it may also 'bury' (place) mines face down there to simulate creation of a minefield.
    If you have a mining droid present at an exterior planet site during your deploy phase, you may bury (place) any number of cards from your hand face down underneath that site. You may choose to bury 'real' mines, 'duds' (non-mine cards buried as a bluff) or a mixture of the two. When any character, vehicle or starship deploys or moves to or across that site, all buried cards there are 'tripped' (revealed). Any duds are simply lost. Any mines 'explode', targeting the card that tripped them if applicable (see Timer Mine).
    Buried cards are not considered to be on table. If buried mines are tripped during your turn and you have a mining droid present, you may choose to 'defuse' any or all of them (at normal use of the Force) before they explode.

Missing - A missing character is on table only for rules, actions, or conditions that specifically refer to missing cards. Additionally, a unique (?) or restricted (??, ???) missing character still counts towards the restrictions specified by the uniqueness and persona rules.

    A missing character may be affected by text that specifies "all cards" or "all characters" because these cards do not "choose" the captive as a target. For example, a missing character may be lost to TIE Bombing, a Thermal Detonator, a Concussion Grenade, or an interrupt such as Debris Zone. (See all cards.)
    Any non-character cards deployed on or carried by a character who becomes missing will continue to count towards the restrictions specified by the uniqueness and persona rules, but are otherwise not considered to be on table. They are unuseable and cannot be the subject of any other rule, action or condition. These cards will revert to their normal functions if that character is later found. Any character card (except captives being escorted) being carried by a character that goes missing (for example, Yoda is in Luke's Backpack when Luke goes missing) is considered to be missing also. If either missing character is found (or captured, lost) then both would be found (or captured, lost).
    Utinni Effects that targeted a missing character before that character became missing continue to target that character normally. An uncompleted Jedi Test will "remember" a missing apprentice (or mentor) such that if found, the apprentice (or mentor) may resume Jedi Training from where he or she left off. (see also Search Party Rules)
Mobile Effect - A kind of card that has a built-in movement function. Mobile Effects are not vulnerable to Alter, as indicated by the wording of the Alter card.

Search Party Rules -During your control phase, you may attempt to find missing characters by forming and using a search party as follows:
        1. Designate one or more of your characters at the same site as the missing character(s) to be members of the search party.
        2. Draw destiny.
        3. Add 1 to the destiny draw for each member of the search party (2 if that search party character is a scout).
        4. If total destiny > 5, one of your missing characters there (random selection) is found and joins the search party.
    You may only search where you have one or more characters missing (you may not search for your opponent's characters). Members of a search party (including any characters they find) may not move, search again or participate in a battle you initiate for the remainder of that turn.

Underground sites - A kind of site indicated by an  icon
Unique (?) cards - Some unique (?) cards are available to both sides of the Force (i.e. Ice Storm). Only one copy of any unique card may be on table at a time, regardless of which side of the Force it is on.