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A round up of recent events in Old Blighty.

Posted By Johanna on October 30, 2002

Well, this is the first update for a while so a few things have happened. Lets start with Scotland: Our friends north of the border met in the normal Scottish manner which I will not discuss here except to say that it seems that all had a jovial time. MrDankDonk , Qui Gonn Jim, Westford and Jinky32 met visited a few public houses, four to be precise. Then it was off to the comic shops for a wander and browse round the shops and Barras Market. Fun was had by all by all accounts! Which is nice. Now to south of the border. This is a brief outline of events to fill space. I will add details and images as and when I can. right as of the time LadyVader81 (UK CR) organised a meet on 13th July Euro.A very friendly face in the shape of our GSA Obi Ann attended as did the CR for London Ontario. It was good to have international links and we hope that this is the start of a regular thing to arrange joint European and foreign meets and foster good relations with our FF counterparts from around the globe. The we move on to the infamous Picnic on Sunday 17th August arranged by Voren. Again, fun was had by all! Of FF-UKers met again in London to see "Signs" in September. Not sure about the ending....... Thanks to the Deltasource crew and all who attended the September 20-22 - Milton Keynes convention. This may be the first meet of the fledgling unofficial "Milton Keynes" Chapter. Heres to two more meets! Photos of these meets will be posted as soon as people can be bothered to get the films processed, which judging from past experiences may be some time!!!! A couple of other meets are in the process of being sorted: 2 November (being arranged by Ramesh basically few drinks) 16th-17th November Possible meet for Memorabilia. 30th November see Bond exhibition and movie - What to have for dinner? Lebenese or Chinese?????? Oooooh the decisions! DecemberThe Two Towers Meet in London (TBA) January 2003 Star Trek Meet in London (TBA) As of yet our friends in Wales and Northern Ireland have yet to get together. I am however, hopeful that our Welsh cousins will get something sorted soon.

[FanForce United Kingdom - News Archives]
4th Annual Corsham Scifi Family Funday
Posted By Mike on April 24, 2012:
Saturday, April 28th with Glover, Blake, LeParmentier & more!

Sense Scotland's Star Wars Fundraiser
Posted By Mike on April 10, 2012:
Scheduled for May the Fourth!

Art Auction for "Princess Leah" Goes Live
Posted By Mike on March 27, 2012:
Supporting the ailing daughter of the Esquenazi family

The Forums Are Moving!
Posted By Ben on March 21, 2012:
The upgrade of TFN's Jedi Council Forums has begun.

The Elstree Empire Day Convention
Posted By Mike on March 20, 2012:
Updated! Coming to Elstree Studios in May

SW Charity Dinner & Quiz Tomorrow!
Posted By Mike on February 1, 2012:
With McGregor, Pegg, & Frost in the UK

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