Novel References

The Last Command


"Clones can only be grown so quickly if you want them mentally stable enough to trust with your warships. One year minimum per clone, as I recall the old rule of thumb."
"The pre-Clone Wars documents I've seen suggest three to five years would be a more appropriate period."

Limitations of human cloning technology. It seems that the growth processes are altered so that the clone can be raised to adulthood in a greatly accelerated fashion. An imporant unanswered question is whether the clone subsequently ages at the accelerated rate, possibly dying of old age within a few years. Perhaps treatment is administered to counteract the accelerated aging, once the clone emerges from his tank or vat.


"In the past five days we've effectively lost control of four sectors, and thirteen more are on the edge. The biggest loss was the food production facilities at Ukio."

Loss of sectors from the New Republic to the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn. If Thrawn sustained this rate for a few months (the timescale of the final stage of Princess Leia's gestation in The Last Command) then he may have acquired dozens or perhaps a few hundres of sectors. However there are over a thousand sectors in the galaxy, so much greater progress would be needed to have much impact on the broader astropolitics of the galaxy.

68 was on the edge of disaster. Bel Iblis's force was down to barely two-thirds of the fifteen capital ships he'd started with, with most of those huddled into a last-ditch bastion formation. Surrounding it, systematically battering at its defenses, were over twenty Star Destroyers and Dreadnaughts.


"Perhaps [Thrawn] needed to prove he was the equal of the other Grand Admirals," Organa Solo suggested. "Particularly given his mixed heritage..."


A background of stars, half-completed ships, service and construction vessels, and floating dockyard platforms. And almost directly ahead of the Wild Karrde, a massive Golan II battle station bristling with armament.
They had arrived at the Imperial Shipyards of Bilbringi.
Dankin whistled softly. "Look at all that new construction," he said, his voice awed. "They aren't kidding around, are they?"
"No, they're not," Karrde agreed. "Nor are they kidding around at Ord Trasi or Yaga Minor." And if Thrawn was putting half as much effort into his cloning operation as he was into warship construction--

Grand Admiral Thrawn has finally revived several major shipyards, though there is no evidence of construction of vessels larger than a destroyer.


"...Chimaera's thirty-seven thousand crewers."


A single glance at the master tactical display showed that all the furor was fully justified: eight Imperial Interdictor Cruisers had appeared in a loose grouping around the one-one-six vector in Sector Four, their hyperdrive-dampening gravetic cones blocking all entry or exit from the region immediately around Coruscant. Even as [Leia] watched, a new group of ships flicked into the center of the cluser: two more Interdictors, plus an escort of eight Katana-fleet Dreadnaughts.


Six Imperial Star Destroyers had come in from hyperspace through the center gap of the Interdictor group, splitting into two groups of three and heading for the two massive midorbit Golan III battle stations.


Two Victory-class Star Destroyers had suddenly appeared out of hyperspace, dropping in at point-blank range to their target battle stations exactly as Bel Iblis had predicted.


...I know a little about the Clone Wars era and don't want to see a bunch of cold-faced duplicates trying to overrun the galaxy again.


...the Research librarians had been right: if there was any information on the old Clone Wars cloning techniques still in the Old Senate Library, it was buried away so deeply that no one would ever find it.


Leia took a deep breath. "It's the cloning, Garm. I know how Thrawn's growing them so fast."
The whole war room had gone dead quiet. "Tell me," Bel Iblis said.
"It's the Force," she told him. It was so obvious--so utterly obvious--and yet she'd missed it completely. "Don't you see? When you make an exact duplicate of a sentient being, there's a natural resonance or something set up through the Force between that duplicate and the original.
That's what warps the mind of a clone that's been grown too fast--there's not enough time for the mind to adapt to the pressure on it. It can't adjust; so it breaks."
"All right," Bel Iblis said dubiously. "How is Thrawn getting around the problem?"
"It's very simple," Leia said, a shiver running through her. "He's using the ysalamiri to block the Force away from the cloning tanks."


This hologram was sculpted in exquisite and absolutely unique detail, with a single accurately positioned spot of light for each the galaxy's hundred billion stars. Political regions were delineated by subtle encirclements of color: the Core systems, the Outer Rim Territories, Wild Space, the Unknown Regions.

Luke Skywalker considers the holographic map of the galaxy in the throne room of the Mount Tantiss facility. This implies that the number of stars (or more accurately, the number of star systems) is on the order of a hundred billion.


[Imperial Interdictor Sentinel]

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Last updated 26 September 1997.
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