#!/usr/bin/perl # ################################################################ # FIle path and URL definitions that depend on the host system. ################################################################ # $cgiurl="http://theforce.net/swtc/who.cgi"; # $orgForm="http://www.theforce.net/swtc/_who/"; # $headpath="C:\\Sites\\TheForce.Net\\active\\swtc\\_who\\cgi.head.html"; $footpath="C:\\Sites\\TheForce.Net\\active\\swtc\\_who\\cgi.foot.html"; $termspath="C:\\Sites\\TheForce.Net\\active\\swtc\\_who\\cgi.terms.html"; $blurbpath="C:\\Sites\\TheForce.Net\\active\\swtc\\_who\\cgi.blurb.html"; # $datapath="C:\\Sites\\TheForce.Net\\active\\swtc\\_who\\people.txt"; # ################################################################ # Default values of important flag variables. ################################################################ # $formget=0; $secure=0; $diag=0; # $nfields=5; $showfields=3; # # ################################################################ # Old junk. ################################################################ # #$sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; $date = `date`; chop($date); # ################################################################ # Commence output. ################################################################ if ($diag) { print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n"); }; #print "looking for header file: " . (-e "$headpath") . "
\n"; #print "looking for footer file: " . (-e "$footpath") . "
\n"; #print "looking for terms file: " . (-e "$termspath") . "
\n"; #print "looking for blurb file: " . (-e "$blurbpath") . "
\n"; #print "looking for people file: " . (-e "$datapath") . "
\n"; #exit; #moved to HTMheader #print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n"); # #print("The time is ",$date,".\n"); # ################################################################ # Process the form variables. ################################################################ # $query=&readcgivars; $query = decode($query); @cgiPairs = split("&",$query); # foreach $pair ( @cgiPairs ) { ($var,$val) = split("=",$pair); #trust me on this magic. $val =~ s/\+/ /g; $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $cgiVals{"$var"} = "$val"; #if($diag) { print("$var = $val
\n"); } } # #if($diag) { exit(0); } # $recipient = $cgiVals{"full"}; $key = $cgiVals{"key"}; $contract = $cgiVals{"contract"}; # # #$recipient=trimwhite($recipient); if ( ! $recipient ) { # Nobody was named in the form. # modify this text appropriately print("Location: $orgForm\n\n"); # &HTMLheader("Unspecified Person"); # &HTMLfooter; exit(0); } # # if ($recipient eq $key) { $secure=1; } if ($formget) { $secure=0; } if ($contract ne "agreed") { $secure=0; } # # ######################################################################## # Search the data file for the requested person's name. ######################################################################## # open(DATAFILE,$datapath); # $found=0; $foundkey=0; do { @row=&readTR; $name=trimwhite($row[0]); $scramble=join("\*",split(//, $recipient)); if ($name eq $key) { $foundkey++; } if ($name eq $recipient) { # # foreach $fld (@row) { # chomp($fld); # print ("." . $fld . ".\n") # } # print (".......\n"); # chomp($row[0]); # print ("." . $row[0] . ".\n"); # $found++; if($found == 1) { &HTMLheader("Acknowledgements: $recipient"); if(! $secure) { print("
\n"); } print("\n"); } # $email=trimwhite($row[1]); $ack =trimwhite($row[2]); $ack=&parsecontributions($ack); $url =trimwhite($row[$nfields-2]); $ihttp = index($url,"http"); if($ihttp ge 0) { $rs=$row[0]; $rs="$rs"; $row[0]=$rs; } # print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); print("\n"); # print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); print("\n"); # print("\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); } else { $hyd=$name; print("\n\n"); print(""); print(" "); print("\n"); } print("\n"); # if ($url ne "") { print("\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); } # @lines = ; } } while (($row[0] ne "^")&&()); # close(DATAFILE); # if($found == 0) { &HTMLheader("Unknown Person"); } else { print("






"); if($secure) { $Temail=&parseemail($email); $Temail=&atsymbol($Temail); print("\n$Temail\n


"); print("$url

\n"); if(! $secure) { &HTMLterms; print("

\n"); } } # &HTMLfooter; exit(0); # # # # sub error { # error routine ($message) = @_; print("ERROR:", $message, "

Contact the author of the previous page for assistance\n"); exit(0); } # # procedure to check if the setuid bit is on sub checkSUID { return( -u $_[0] ); } # # # sub readTD { # procedure to read a table element from the file $tdstr=""; $nonwhite = 0; $number=0; if (!eof DATAFILE) { $key = ; chomp($key); if (length($key) > 0) { if (index($key,"|") > 0) { $key =~ s/\|//g; $tdstr=$key; } elsif (length($key) > 1) { $v = ""; $tdstr=$key; while (index($v,"|") != 0) { $v = ; chomp($v); if (index($v,"|") != 0) { $tdstr .= "\n" . $v; } } } else { $tdstr=$key; } } } #print(":" . $tdstr . ":\n"); return($tdstr); } # # sub readTR { # procedure to read a table row from file @row=(); $t=""; while($t ne "^" && (!eof DATAFILE)) { $t=&readTD; if ($t eq "|") { push(@row,""); } elsif ($t ne "") { push(@row,$t); } } return(@row); } # # sub HTMLheader { ($tit)= @_; if (-e "$headpath") { open(HTML,$headpath); @temp = ; close(HTML); $all=join("",@temp); $ss="INSERT"; @bits=split(/INSERT/, $all); $all=join("$tit",@bits); if (index($tit,"Unknown") >=0) { $all .= qq[

Full Name:

]; } } else { $all="\n$tit\n\n

\n"; } # print("Content-type: text/html\n"); # print("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); print($all); } # # sub HTMLfooter { if (-e "$footpath") { open(HTML,$footpath); @temp = ; close(HTML); print(@temp); } else { print("

\n\n\n"); } } # # sub HTMLblurb { if (-e "$blurbpath") { open(HTML,$blurbpath); @temp = ; close(HTML); print(@temp); } else { print("

\n"); } } # # sub HTMLterms { if (-e "$termspath") { open(HTML,$termspath); @temp = ; close(HTML); print(@temp); } else { print("NO TERMS

\n"); } } # # sub HTMLdie { ($tit)= @_; &HTMLhead($tit); &HTMLfoot; exit(0); } # # sub trimwhite { # subroutine to remove some white-space characters from a string ($temp)= @_; $temp=join("",split(/\n+/, $temp)); $temp=join("",split(/\t+/, $temp)); $temp=join("",split(/\r+/, $temp)); $temp=join("",split(/\0+/, $temp)); return($temp); } # # sub atsymbol { ($temp)= @_; $temp=join("@",split(/\@/, $temp)); return($temp); } # # sub parseemail { ($temp)= @_; @tarr=split(/\s+/, $temp); $temp=join("",@tarr); @tarr=split(/,/, $temp); for($l=0;$l<=$#tarr;$l++) { $t=$tarr[$l]; $ihttp = index($t,"http"); if($ihttp >= 0) { $tarr[$l]="$t"; } else { $tarr[$l]="$t"; } } $temp=join(",\n",@tarr); return($temp); } # # # sub parsecontributions { ($temp)= @_; @tarr=split("::", $temp); $temp=join("
",@tarr); return($temp); } # # sub decode($) { $_[0] =~ s/\+/ /g; ### Change + to space my(@parts) = split /%/, $_[0]; my($returnstring) = ""; (($_[0] =~ m/^\%/) ? (shift(@parts)) : ($returnstring = shift(@parts))); my($part); foreach $part (@parts) { $returnstring .= chr(hex(substr($part,0,2))); my($tail) = substr($part,2); $returnstring .= $tail if (defined($tail)); } return($returnstring); } # # # sub readcgivars { # A generalised procedure for reading CGI variables regardless of METHOD. if ( ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') || ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'HEAD') ) { # Use this for forms with method=GET $in= $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ; $formget=1; $secure=0; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { # Use this for forms with method=POST if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}=~ m#^application/x-www-form-urlencoded$#i) { length($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) || &HTMLdie("POST request has no Content-Length."); read(STDIN, $in, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $mess="Unsupported Content-Type:"; $mess="$mess $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}" &HTMLdie($mess); } $formget=0; } else { &HTMLdie("Script was called with unsupported REQUEST_METHOD."); } return($in); }