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Well, it's been quite a year, Episode I is less than seven months away! To celebrate one year of online Skystation prequel fandom, the site has been given a facelift - new look, new attitude! Watch for more exciting features and insight into the groundbreaking digital FX that will appear in STAR WARS: Episode1 - The Phantom Menace.
Tips For Browsing This Site.
This site is graphically intensive, so it may take awhile to load the pages if you are using a slower connection. Once the site has been loaded into your cache however, loadtimes should be reduced.
The site requires you to click on certain areas within the graphic on each page to navigate through the Skystation. If you are having trouble, just look for the more obvious areas, doorways, computer consoles, etc. If you look around, you may even find a secret or two! There are now also navigation links below the main graphic on each page.
All the items for download are compressed with WINZIP for faster download time. This includes Holoproj films(avi's) and 3D meshfiles, but not VRML worlds or 3D artwork. You will need the WINZIP software to unzip the compressed files, if you do not have WINZIP, it can be downloaded here
You need a soundcard to hear the digital Sound FX.
You will need a VRML plugin for your browser to view the VRML pages. Any plugin or browser that supports the vrml 1.0 standard or higher should work. I use Worldview 2.0 which can be downloaded here
If you are having trouble downloading the larger files, you may want to use a program that can resume failed transfers. Bulletproof and GetRight are two such programs, simply do a search for either of these utilities here
You require the WINRAR program to extract files from multiple *.rar files, if you do not have WINRAR, just do a search for it here
If you wish to contact our administrator, you may use this
Enjoy your stay and please come back again, good citizen!