You and Jar
Jar enter the hangar of the Palace. In the middle of the hangar
is the big, chrome ship of Queen Amidala. Lots of yellow fighters
here, but which one to choose? Suddenly, you hear a faint noise
coming from the direction of one of the fighters! "Perhaps
it's one of those dangerous battledroids that has survived the fight
and has been hiding in the hangar!" you say. Even though you
are carrying a lightsaber, you're not a trained jedi, so an encounter
could be very dangerous! "Mesa berry, berry scared!" Jar
Jar says. The noises get stronger. Something is definately approaching...!!!
What do you
want to do?
You and Jar Jar climb in the nearest fighter to get away! |
You draw you lightsaber and you investigate
the yellow fighter from which the sound is coming...