The excitement of the bestselling Star Wars saga, THE NEW JEDI ORDER, continues to heat up...
as the alien Yuuzhan Vong press relentlessly forward in their quest to conquer the galaxy, and Han Solo struggles with grief and anger at the greatest loss of his life!
We gather in memory of Chewbacca: honorable son, beloved mate, devoted father, loyal friend and comrade in arms, champion and clan uncle to all of us in spirit...
In Chewbacca, the defiant flame burned brightest. On Kashyyk or far afield on distant worlds, he was never less than courageous and incorruptible - a Wookiee with heart enough for ten and eager strength enough for fifty...
Now, in the same way the branches of the wroshyr seek out and support one another, Chewbacca's spirit merges with and gives sustenance to our own, strengthening us for the challenges we have yet to confront... |