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Welcome to TF.N's Foreign Covers section !

Here you'll find the covers that differ from the American covers. Only covers that have different artwork are displayed here. So you won't find a cover where the only difference is the text.

You can of course join the Foreign Covers thread in the Jedi Council discussion forum if you want to say something about those covers.


If you could get a scan of any cover that could fit here, and isn't displayed yet (or is displayed, but in low-res), then don't hesitate and send it here :

Many thanks to : Scott Chitwood, Britany, "Yishin", Mike Hathaway, Nick "Nom Anor" Hess, "ForceAlly", the SW Booklist, Machiel Hulsbosch, "Famo", Milan "Talon Karrde" Pohl, "Kast_Morben", "Chaussette", Matthieu Bonenfant, and all the others I forgot.

Sat, June 7, 2003

Finally, the much awaited Japanese cover for Force Heretic I : Remnant has been released ! You can see it right here, and of course in the Japanese Covers gallery.

Fri, May 23, 2003

The pages have been updated with some fancy stuff that you may or may not see, but it makes things much easier for me to manage. :) Thanks a lot to Britany for the most appreciated help !

Tue, May 20, 2003

A minor update, with some high-res scans of the French Covers. Thanks a lot to Matthieu Bonenfant for sending them !

Mon, May 19, 2003

Finally, the first big update since the section opened !

You can now view covers for the following countries:

I added a few 'detail' pictures for some Japanese NJO covers as well. They come directly from the Official Site, so you may have seen them already.

Many thanks to all who contributed to this update, namely : Machiel Hulsbosch, "Famo", Milan "Talon Karrde" Pohl, "Kast_Morben" and "Chaussette".

Tue, Apr 29, 2003

Some changes today. A few people thought the hig-res pictures were a bit too big for 'casual' viewers, so I changed that. You can now see "smaller" large images by clicking on the thumbs, and see the high-res ones by clicking on the link under the thumbnail, when available.

It'll probably be better for people with slower connections.

Tue, Apr 15, 2003

And we already have an update, with the Japanese cover for Destiny's Way ! As usual, poor quality, sorry for that. Let's hope we'll be able to find better scans of those covers. (If you can help, send us a mail !)

Thanks ForceAlly for finding this cover !

Mon, Apr 14, 2003

The Foreign Covers page is up, starting with a very nice collection of Japanese covers!

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